

  • 郑州威驰外资企业服务中心

  • 报价面议
  • 最小起订大量
  • 发货期限自付款之日起0日内发货
  • 供应能力件/每月
  • 样品不提供
  • 所在地河南省郑州市管城豫英路10号1号楼6层179室
  • 联系电话0371-60275782
  • 联系人张先生


郑州外商独资企业注册代理 郑州外商独资公司注册代理 郑州威驰外资企业服务中心(Zhengzhou Weichi Foreign Investment Service Center)工商注册号:410100000103800 ,是河南省具有合法资质从事外资企业工商注册代理、外资企业财税咨询、外资企业商务信息咨询的服务机构,成立于国务院批复《郑州航空港经济综合实验区发展规划(2013~2025年) 》后郑州进行巨大规模招商引资的背景之下,受河南省商务厅和河南省工商局双重领导,以招商引进外资为己任,以服务外商投资企业为宗旨,、便捷的为外商投资企业提供商务、工商、税务、海关、商检等的代理服务! 郑州外商独资企业注册代理 一、郑州威驰外资企业服务中心为您讲解什么是外商独资企业? 外商独资企业的特征是股东为全部是境外自然人、企业、经济组织,需要注意的是“独资”并非指的是股东人数,而是从股东方来判断的,举个例子,比如一家外资企业,股东有10位,全部都是美国人,那么这家公司依然是外商独资企业,再举个例子,依然是这家公司,10个股东里有一位股东将股权全部转让给了境内一家公司,那么转让后改外商投资企业将不再是外商独资企业,而是中外合资企业。 二、郑州威驰外资企业服务中心为您简述在郑州注册外商独资企业的流程 1、准备各部门所需要的资料,详单可向威驰外服索取; 2、进行名称核准; 3、有前置许可的办理前置许可,没有前置许可的直接进行下一步; 4、商务部门办理批复及批准证书; 5、工商部门办理营业执照; 6、刻制需要用到的各类印章; 7、办理组织机构代码证; 8、办理税务登记证; 9、外管局进行备案; 10、银行基本户和验资户的开户手续; 11、财政登记证的办理; 12、牵涉海关等部门的办理相应手续; 13、按照章程及要求进行验资; 14、更换新的营业执照。 三、郑州威驰外资企业服务中心为能为您办理哪些手续? 涉及外商投资的全部手续,单项及细化可咨询我们。 Zhengzhou Weichi Foreign Investment Service Center is the Only legally qualified facilitating agency to provide Company registration services and taxation services for enterprises with foreign investment In Henan Province.we have a good the government background.We have a renowned reputation in providing excellent Zhengzhou company, wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE), foreign representative office (RO) and other offshore company management solutions.We view ourselves as not just service provider, but as a trusted colleague in your company providing superior services. Our dedication and renowned goodwill must meet all your requirements. Required Documents for Incorporation Feasibility study report The application for foreign investment company incorporation signed by the proposed legal representative Articles of association Enterprise Name Approval in Advance Notice The investor's entity qualification certificate or the natural person's ID card The appointment letters and ID cards of directors, supervisors and managers The legal representative's appointment letter and ID card Certificate of assessment of capital Lease contract or certificate of property rights Documents or certificates for earlier setup examination and approval If you have any question, do not hesitate to call us or email us : Room 179, No.1 Building , No.10 YuYING Road, GuanCheng District , Zhengzhou, China.